Judge Katherine Tess Percy Stromberg




Court Reporter - Tapestry Smith

Judicial Secretary - Della Louque

Contact Info - Division C

Phone: (255) 621-8500

Fax: (225) 644-5704

Email: DivisionC@23rdjdc.org

Office hours: 8:30am-4:30pm

Court Bailiff - Roland Schexnayder

Law Clerk - Hailey Clark         

Judge Katherine Tess Percy Stromberg, District Judge for the 23rd Judicial District is the daughter of Ryland and Patti Percy of Gonzales, Louisiana. She is married to Lee Stromberg and they are the parents of three children. The family resides in Prairieville, Louisiana.

 Judge Stromberg is a 1990 graduate of Sullivan Catholic High School and obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree from Louisiana State University. She worked as an investigator for the Louisiana Board of Ethics and Campaign Finance before attending Cumberland School of Law at Samford University, from which she graduated in 2001.

 Judge Stromberg maintained a general law practice until 2012, when she was appointed as the Hearing Officer and Judicial Administrator for the 23rd Judicial District Court. She served in that position until her election as District Judge for the 23rd Judicial District Court, Division “C”. Judge Stromberg took office on January 1, 2015.

 Judge Stromberg is a member of the 23rd Judicial District Bar Association, Louisiana State Bar Association, Louisiana District Judges Association, and National Council for Juvenile and Family Court Judges. She and her family attend St. John the Evangelist Church in Prairieville, Louisiana.


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