Join us in congratulating Katie Waitz and Lauren Williams on passing the bar exam! Congratulations on such a prestigious accomplishment!
Join us in congratulating Division A’s Law Clerk, Adrienne Lambert, on passing the bar exam! Congratulations on such a prestigious accomplishment!
New Appointments
As of April 1, 2023 the Judges of the 23rd JDC divided the formal dual role of Judicial Administrator/Hearing Officer held for eight years by Patricia Douglas. While Ms. Douglas remains the Hearing Officer, the new Judicial Administrator is Candace Washington. Candace has worked with the Court since 2020, previously serving as Home Incarceration Coordinator and most recently, Assistant Administrator.
As Hearing Officer, Ms. Douglas will take on additional duties and will soon begin holding Hearing Officer Conferences for Ascension Parish family cases. These conferences should expedite the resolution of family matters, allow the parties to have more decision making in their own resolutions and reduce the court’s dockets, saving time spent in court by attorneys and clients.
Candace and Pat are both excited about their new positions and have “hit the ground running”. They and the Court are hopeful that these innovations will improve services to the public.
Swearing in ceremony
Law Clerks from the 23rd Judicial District Court at Swearing in Ceremony at Louisiana Supreme Court. From left to right (Madeleine Murphy, Adreaynne N. Hutchison, Hanna Gettys)
New Circuit Association President
Judge Jason Verdigets of the 23rd Judicial District Court has been installed as the new president of the Fourth and Fifth Circuit Judges Association.
Pro Bono Award
Adreaynne N. Hutchison, new law clerk for Chief Judge Alvin Turner, Jr., celebrates her graduation while receiving the 2022 Law Student Pro Bono Award at the 37th annual Pro Bono Publico & Children’s Law Awards Ceremony See Article